Solidarity with Ukraine 

Solidarity with Ukraine

Висловлюваємо солідарність Україні: Jacobs University пропонує розміщення для студентів з обмеженими можливостями та викладачам

Університет Jacobs University глибоко засмучений вторгненням російських військ в Україну протягом минулого тижня. Як соціально відповідальна інституція ми не можемо залишитися осторонь і вирішили допомогти тим українцям, які найбільше страждають.

Ми пропонуємо наш університет українським студентам з обмеженими можливостями та викладачам старше 55 років (жінкам) та 60 років (чоловікам) із найбільш постраждалих від війни регіонів України: Києва, Харкова, Дніпра, Херсона, Миколаєва.

Ми готові організувати транспортування, евакуацію, проживання та професійну адаптацію до моменту, коли Україна повернеться до нормального життя.

Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з нами:

Ми чекаємо на Вас!




Solidarity with Ukraine 


Like the rest of the world, we are horrified and deeply concerned about the Russian military and Russian government armed initiatives in Ukraine, and its humanitarian tragic consequences. The killing of people for any reason is wrong and unjustifiable. It is against our fundamental beliefs in the value of human life and value of knowledge. SIT was founded on the principle that all evil is due to insufficient knowledge, and it is with great optimism and hope for the future of our global community that we maintain our commitment to preserving and distributing knowledge through science.

We wish to express our continuous support to the people of Ukraine and call for a return to peace in the area. In the meantime, SIT has suspended all operations in Russia.

Humanitarian support 

As an academic institution, we believe it’s important to protect and help those in need. SIT has been focused on monitoring and ensuring the safety of our people and community since the start of the conflict. 

Our German campus, Jacobs University in Bremen, is working actively on implementing initiatives for the Ukrainian civilians. A project group has been formed on behalf of Jacob’s President, which is meeting on a regular basis and is coordinating the various activities. Inquiries and suggestions can be directed to:

As a first humanitarian measure, Jacobs University will support the City of Bremen in increasing its offering for refugee accommodation by providing 100 beds on its campus free of charge, along with meals for the individuals being hosted. The City of Bremen expressly welcomes this initiative.

As a second initiative, Jacobs University and SIT will launch an academic refugee program. In the future, this will enable refugees from Ukraine - but also from other war zones - not only to live on the campus of Jacobs University in Bremen, but also to study and continue their academic career there. In order to implement this initiative, Jacobs University and SIT are currently deliberating with further international partners.

The whole SIT ecosystem is also actively working on initiatives to further support, such as opening our current employment opportunities for Ukrainian people impacted by the conflict and left without a job. Please check our Career section here

To get updates on our support initiatives, please come back here

SIT will continue to support our employees, customers and partners and join with all of those around the world who are calling for peace.

About SIT Ecosystem

SIT is a global institution dedicated to Science, Education and Technology, founded in 2019 by a Singaporean citizen and headquartered in Switzerland. We are structured around a nonprofit component dedicated to research and education, alongside with several business spin-offs in Technology and Business Science. We have employees in Europe, Switzerland, the USA, and Singapore, including our two campuses: in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) and the Jacobs University in Bremen (Germany). Please read more here about our organization.

SIT recently acquired the Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, further expanding our education offer, with a research centric approach and a willingness to position the next generations for the most needed careers in Technology and Science.

Thanks to its two English-language campuses – in Bremen and in Schaffhausen – SIT offers interdisciplinary university programs with flexible learning models, both online and on-site. The community of our students fully benefits from the synergies between SIT’s powerful network of leading experts, scientists and industry leaders and Jacobs University’s comprehensive range of BSc, MSc, and PhD programs. 

Commercial spin-offs include SIT Alemira, a digital ecosystem for research and education; SIT Autonomous, which offers AI consulting in driverless mobility, robotics, and professional sports; SIT Campus, which provides consulting and business services; SIT StartGarden, an early-stage startup accelerator program; SIT Capital, a venture investment fund.