SIT and go tec! Join Forces to Counter Shortage of Skilled Workers Together

SIT and go tec! Join Forces to Counter Shortage of Skilled Workers Together

SIT and go tec! are thrilled to be working together to counter the shortage of skilled workers through a pilot course that will blend SIT’s expertise in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) with go tec!’s MINT specialization (mathematics, informatics, natural science, technology), bringing Active Learning to the go tec! Laboratory.

SIT will be leveraging its expertise and vast network in education, science, technology and business, particularly its SIT Programming School, a digital infrastructure that delivers programming courses for children together, to support the collaboration. Combined with go tec!'s mission to help make children digitally-fit in preparation for a brighter future, the partnership will launch a series of engaging projects that go beyond financial donations, stretching into lending specialists to help lead courses, trainings and organize company tours that spark a passion for applied science in children and teenagers.

Go tec! is a success story, but the community is calling for more. SIT can provide a smooth transition from a childhood interest to a brilliant career in science and technology.
- Roman Hagen, Government Relations Lead, SIT

The program is expected to be launched in September 2021. For more information, download the press release.