Manuel Oriol will join SIT Operations AG in the position of Associate Professor on September 1st

Manuel Oriol will join SIT Operations AG in the position of Associate Professor on September 1st

Manuel will be responsible for research in software engineering applied to embedded systems, artificial intelligence-based systems and quantum-based systems.

Manuel was employed from 2011 until 2014 at University of York as a Senior Lecturer, where he carried research efforts in the area of Large-Scale and Complex IT Systems. He was researching software testing and quality. He created the automated random testing tool YETI, graduated four doctoral students, and 15+ MSc students.

Between 2011 and 2020 he was working at ABB in the positions of Principal Scientist, R&D Technology Manager for IoT Systems and Data Analytics and Analytics Program Manager, Smart Solutions. In the last three years he was managing R&D efforts in the context of IoT Systems and Data Analytics within the digital team of the Motors and Generators division. Products for which he led the development include the Smart Sensor for Pumps, Smart Sensor generation 2,  and various technology efforts related to smart sensors. He also was organizing and leading the analytics program within the analytics community of smart solutions in the Motion Service division.