Alemira provides online platform for summer school organized by leading European institutions

Alemira provides online platform for summer school organized by leading European institutions

CERN, Yandex School of Data Analysis, Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis of HSE University and High Energy Physics Laboratory at EPFL rely on Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT) Alemira to build an online platform for an innovative summer program covering the young area of data analysis and computational research that has started to emerge in High Energy Physics (HEP). 

The Machine Learning High Energy Physics (MLHEP) course is deployed on the SIT Alemira platform, providing students with an Active Learning experience. Through the SIT Alemira Learning Management System (LMS), students will be able to better engage, interact and connect not only with course materials but also one another and their instructors, creating a more enriched and dynamic online learning environment. The course, built on Pelican, offers concrete examples and hands-on tutorials as well as a special data-science competition designed to allow participants to get better feeling of real-life Machine Learning (ML) applications scenarios.

Designed for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, the ECTS accredited MLHEP course includes more than 100 students from all over the world, bringing together a diverse group of advanced scientists and researchers. Through SIT Alemira’s digital ecosystem for Active Learning, students will gain practical knowledge through transformative online learning. 

Check out the full success story here or ontact us at to learn more and request a demo.