Wolfgang Wahlster image

Wolfgang Wahlster

Member, Constructor Group Strategic Advisory Board; Professor of Computer Science, CEA of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Wolfgang Wahlster is a renowned German AI researcher, credited with coining "Industry 4.0." He served as the CEO and Scientific Director of the German Research Center for AI and as a professor of computer science at Saarland University. Wahlster's contributions to natural language processing and AI have earned him numerous awards, including the Deutscher Zukunftspreis and honorary doctorates. He is a fellow of the Gesellschaft für Informatik and a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Wahlster was also elected an honorary foreign member of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic in 2021.

Major awards:
- ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award of the ACM (2016)
- Grand Cross of Merit by the Federal President of Germany IJCAI Donald E. Walker Award (2013)
- German Future Prize
- First Class Cross of Merit