Bertrand Meyer image

Bertrand Meyer

Provost and Professor of the Chair of Software Engineering at Constructor Institute

Professor of Software Engineering (emeritus) at ETH Zurich. 
Chief Technology Officer, Eiffel Software, Santa Barbara

Électricité de France; Univ. of California Santa Barbara; Eiffel Software; ETH Zurich. 

Visiting positions at University of Technology Sydney and Monash University (Australia), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), École Polytechnique and University of Toulouse (France). Co-founder of Eiffel Software and Propulsion Academy (Zurich).

13 single-author books, about 300 refereed articles, numerous collective books and conference proceedings. Annotated list at

Awards (partial list)
ACM Software System Award; IEEE Harlan Mills Software Engineering Prize; ACM Fellow; member of Academia Europaea and Académie des Technologies; ACM Sigsoft Outstanding Educator award; ERC Advanced Investigator Grant; two honorary doctorates