Andrea Ferrari
Andrea C. Ferrari earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Cambridge University, after a Laurea in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
He has a Cambridge ScD. He is Professor of nanotechnology and Fellow of Pembroke College. He is Director of the Cambridge Graphene Centre and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology.
He chairs the Management Panel and is the Science and Technology Officer of the European Graphene Flagship. He is Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Materials Research Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Fellow of the Optical Society, Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, Member of the Academia Europaea, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
His work sits at the frontier between physics, engineering, nanotechnology and materials science. He is a world authority on characterisation of carbon materials, including diamond-like carbon, nanotubes and graphene. His work underpins the interpretation of Raman scattering in carbon-materials and is a worldwide standard in industry. Collaborations with industry have enabled the pull-through of sciences to technologies in several areas.
He is a global leader in graphene and related materials engineering, having pioneered many areas, from mass scale identification by spectroscopic means, to their implementation in printed and flexible electronics, photodetectors, modulators, lasers, and plasmonic structures."
Major Awards:
- The Royal Society Brian Mercer Award for Innovation
- The Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
- The Marie Curie Excellence Award
- The Philip Leverhulme Prize
- The EU-40 Materials Prize
- The Blaise Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Science in Materials Science
- He also received 4 European Research Council Grants
- ICSE Most Influential Paper Award (2002)