Constructor Pass

Constructor Pass

Constructor Pass

Whether they are working alone, growing a start-up, visiting friends or family, or running one of the world’s most innovative technology or computing companies, Constructor Pass – founded on the Constructor Group’s global network – makes it possible for our alumni, students, faculty, and business partners to get work done with the support of Constructor’s facilities and services – and, most importantly, its diverse and multi-talented community.

Constructor Pass is a unique service available exclusively to members of the Constructor ecosystem. Constructor Pass provides free-of-charge access to the physical facilities of Constructor Group around the world.

  • Meeting rooms
  • Isolation pods
  • Printers and scanners
  • Wifi
  • Desks
  • Refrigerators
  • Kitchenettes with coffee machines and microwave ovens
  • Video conferencing facilities

Whether you are a student, a business or research partner, faculty, or alumni of Constructor University, Constructor Pass gives you access to Constructor’s physical facilities in all our locations around the world – including Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, and more! Thanks to Constructor Pass, every member of the Constructor ecosystem will always have an office – and a home – away from home!

The story behind

We decided to launch Constructor Pass to address the fact that the ways in which we learn and the ways in which we live are changing. Learning no longer means passively sitting at a desk in a classroom while a professor lectures – we have evolved from a static model of learning to one that is dynamic and hybrid. The world is smaller and more interconnected than before. The borders that separated us in the past no longer exist as they once did. Working with and learning from talented partners from around the world is now the norm. As the ways the world works changes, so too do the needs of our ecosystem – and it is our mission at Constructor to meet those needs.

We are committed to the production of knowledge, and we are offering the free-of-charge Constructor Pass service to meet the ever-evolving needs of our community, facilitate collaboration between our talented partners all over the world, and make it easier than ever before for them to generate knowledge. Constructor Pass is another way in which we are helping construct a better future.

Work wherever life takes you
With multiple locations globally, Constructor Pass gives every member of the Constructor ecosystem access to coworking spaces, meeting rooms, WiFi, video conferencing centers, and more in major tech hot spots around the world.

Community, wherever you are
Constructor is world famous for its diverse community. Constructor Pass gives you unique access to the special, supportive, Constructor community.

Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered
Whether you need a single desk or an isolation pod, want a base of operations during a long layover or need a place to work for a bit longer, we’ve got you covered.

It’s Free!
If you are a member of the Constructor ecosystem, you get all Constructor Pass has to offer completely free of charge.

Constructor Pass is available to:

  • Alumni
  • Students (coming soon)
  • Employees (coming soon)
  • Constructor Ecosystem Community (coming soon)

If you are an alumni but have not received your invitation to Constructor Pass, kindly pre-register by clicking here.