

Join our environment, distinct culture, and diverse community to share knowledge through science.

Founded in 2019, Constructor group is an international research-led institution headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Interdisciplinary by design, the Constructor group ecosystem is driven by a common purpose: tackling the main problems of the world through science, education, and cutting-edge technology.

Constructor group's strategic holding company oversees services, investment, and software companies that help bring sustainability and opportunity to Constructor group ecosystem. These include services related to scientific consulting, technology transfer, executive education, and software tailored to the needs of the industry.


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Constructor Knowledge is a provider of education services including traditional and online education programs and courses for people of all ages via its various affiliates. Constructor Knowledge provides advisory and strategic services to education institutions in the fields of student recruitment, communications, and marketing support. Its subsidiaries include Constructor Academy. The greater Constructor Knowledge ecosystem includes Constructor University in Bremen, Germany, and Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

Current job openings:

Program Manager

Innovation Community Manager

Personal Assistant

Multimedia and IT Support Technician


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Constructor is all-in-one platform for education and research. With expertise in machine intelligence and data science, Constructor is built to cater to the needs of schools, higher education, corporate training, alternative credentials, and professional sports, offering solutions for teaching and administration, learning and research.

From infrastructure to applications, Constructor elevates learning experiences, empowers educators, and drives research breakthroughs.

See current job openings