DFG funding success for state-of-the-art chemistry device

DFG funding success for state-of-the-art chemistry device

Seventeen years after first purchasing a single-crystal x-ray diffractometer, Constructor University in Bremen has recently upgraded to the latest technology. Chemistry Professor Dr. Ulrich Kortz successfully secured funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the second time.

The device is used in inorganic and organic chemistry to determine the position of individual atoms within a molecule. (Source: Constructor University)Thanks to the successful grant application, the German Research Foundation supported the University with 50 percent of the costs, which amount to 600,000 Euros in total. The device is used in inorganic and organic chemistry to determine the position of individual atoms within a molecule. In order to celebrate the installation of the new single-crystal X-ray diffractometer, Professor Ulrich Kortz invited guests to the campus of Constructor University last Friday.

"It is wonderful that we will be able to continue working and researching on the highest level. I would like to celebrate this with everyone that put a tremendous effort in the new acquisition," said Kortz. About 50 people gathered for the XRD Inauguration Symposium at the Campus Center. In addition to Kortz's welcome address, the program included presentations by scientists from the universities of Bremen, Hamburg and Hanover as well as Constructor University.

Kortz celebrated the the commissioning of Rigaku's XtaLAB Synergy-S model with his team, colleagues and guests on campus. (Source: Constructor University)During the lunch break, the new single-crystal X-ray diffractometer could be inspected. It is the XtaLAB Synergy-S model from Rigaku, which replaces the previous device after 17 years of intense performance. The new model is state-of-the-art and equipped with both molybdenum and copper X-ray sources, ensuring a wide range of sample materials to be measured. In addition, the new model is equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooling unit to allow crystals to be measured at low temperatures, such as -173 °C, which reduces the thermal movement of atoms and thus leads to more accurate measurement results. The XtaLAB Synergy-S has its own air-conditioned room in the Lab 2 building and is operated by the experienced scientist Dr. Bassem Bassil. In addition to crystals from the Kortz group, samples from interested colleagues at Constructor University and from colleagues and collaboration partners worldwide are measured as well.

Beside the opportunity for exchange and discussion, to mark the day there was the traditional northern German delight “Kohl und Pinkel” (kale and meat) on the menu by the Mercator College servery – much to the delight of many guests. The catering was kindly sponsored by the equipment manufacturer Rigaku.

Questions answered by:
Dr. Ulrich Kortz | Professor of Chemistry
ukortz@constructor.university | Tel.: +49 421 200-3235

About Constructor University:
An international community, vibrant and diverse. Offering academic excellence, ensuring the highest standards in research and teaching. Empowering students to solve the world's pressing challenges through knowledge and science: Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-speaking, private university. Founded in 2001, it provides a wide range of 25+ academic programs and PhD. The Constructor ecosystem comprises the University, located in Bremen, Germany, and an institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Over 1.800 students from more than 110 nations on campus benefit from a unique interdisciplinary, foundational theoretical and practical education. Enriched with a buzzing entrepreneurial culture that prepares young professionals to thrive in the job market. With 6.000+ alumni worldwide, our community keeps growing – with our highest cohort ever registered in 2022.
The research-centric faculty projects are funded by the German Research Foundation and the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation as well as by globally leading companies.
The Constructor ecosystem benefits from partnerships with high-ranked universities such as Carnegie Mellon, the University of Geneva or the National University of Singapore School of Computing, and technology companies such as Anisoprint, JetBrains and ChemDiv.

Constructor is a global institution dedicated to addressing the main challenges of the world through science, education, and technology. Apart from the University, the ecosystem relies on several for-profit entities that provide technology infrastructures and solutions, life-long education programs, consulting services, and funding: Alemira by Constructor, Rolos by Constructor, Constructor Learning and Constructor Capital.

Maike Lempka | Corporate Communications
presse@constructor.university | Tel.: +49 421 200-4504